ONLINE ONLY Auction in Athens, AL - Commercial Building, Great Potential

ONLINE ONLY Auction in Athens, AL - Commercial Building, Great Potential

Smith Auction Company

Online Auction in Athens, AL

14684 Hammons Road Athens, AL 35611

Begins closing Thursday, December 26th at 7:00 PM


Preview: Monday, December 23rd from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM


This 4200 +/- sqft building has great potential. With parking in front, a large garage door and an office this building is ready for business. Drive by the property, or call for a guided tour. This auction will begin closing at 7:00 PM on December 26th!






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Announcements made on auction day take precedence over printed material.


As in all auctions, these properties are being sold in as-is where-is conditions. A 10% buyer’s premium will be added to the bid price to determine the final sales price. 10% earnest money will be required at the time of the auction if you are the successful high bidder.


Smith Auction Company, LLC 


Cody Smith           ALSL #5528         TN #361074          Phone (256) 497-6689

Wesley Tucker      AASL #3084         TN #7586              Phone (256) 497-0338 




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4200 sqft Building
4200 sqft Building
Winning Bidder:5001
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